At Carrick Seeds, we care about your privacy and care that you understand how we collect and use your data. Please contact us if you have questions that are not answered below.

Privacy Policy

Last updated Dec. 6, 2021. Changes to this policy will be posted here.

Who we are

Theo Wiederkehr runs Carrick Seeds and owns this website ( Members of Theo’s immediate family may help with site maintenance and order fulfillment.

What data we collect

When you place an order, we collect your name, physical address, and email address. You can also choose to share your phone number as a secondary mode of contact and your company name (if applicable).

Why we collect your data

Your data helps us collect payment, keep track of and deliver orders, and contact you about your order if required. We may also analyze your data to understand how customers choose products for a growing season or across multiple growing seasons.

We are interested in understanding how germplasm travels between seed companies and to other growers. If you choose to share your company name, we will use this information to help us build our understanding.

Who has access to your data

We do not share your personal data with anyone outside Carrick Seeds except to ship your orders. You may request a copy of our records relating to your orders at any time.

How your data is stored

Your data is stored either in password-protected accounts for this website and the company email or in databases on our private computer(s). Normally we keep these records indefinitely, but we will consider requests to amend or delete your data.