Superschmelz kohlrabi


(Brassica oleracea)

A giant kohlrabi ideal for winter storage: still tender and delightful when 8-10” across and keeps for months in a root cellar. We think it’s brilliant, especially grated for a nice fresh coleslaw in February. Also try pairing it with lots of parsley in late-fall salads. Kohlrabi is fascinatingly bizarre-looking in the garden, and deserves just as much attention in the kitchen.

We have been unable to grow cabbages insect-free enough for storage without row covers; but we have found kohlrabi to be an excellent substitute which is much easier to grow.

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Biennial. Plant summer crop as soon as soil can be worked, in succession plantings; for fall storage, plant in late summer. Start indoors and transplant, or sow ½ to 1” apart ½” deep; rows 1’ apart. Thin to 4” for normal varieties, 1-2’ for giant varieties. Harvest normal kohlrabi around tennisball size, and giant kohlrabi at 6-10” in diameter. Leaves are also fine to eat.