Hordeum Nigrinudum Hulless barley


(Hordeum vulgare)

Short plants produce loads of strange but beautiful awned, wide black heads with black seeds. The first time I grew it I was alarmed when my pretty green barley plants’ seedheads started looking black; but I soon found that there was no need to worry. That’s just what happens when it is maturing. 105 days to maturity. 140 seeds/packet.

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Plant 1/2-2” deep, a few inches apart; preferably in rows 7-9” apart, but can also be broadcast and raked to cover. Plant in the spring as soon as soil can be worked. Harvest when seed is at ‘hard dough’ stage, dentable by not easily crushed; make into sheaves and stook to cure until fully dry and hard. Thresh and winnow.