Opopeo amaranth


(Amaranthus sp., likely A. cruentus)

One of the most visually stunning plants I have ever grown. In late summer brilliant magenta plants with seedheads up to 2’/60cm long stand taller than most gardeners. Produces loads of tiny, tan-coloured seeds. The name refers to the town in Mexico where it originated. 130 days to maturity. 1/2 tsp/packet.

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Plant once soil is warm [70º F/21º C], after corn. Cover seeds lightly, thin to 6” between plants, 12-18” between rows. For greens, pinch out growing tip to encourage branching; pick individual leaves like spinach. For grain, allow plants to go to seed, then collect dry heads and rub through a screen into a bucket, or bend over plants and rub seed heads with hands into a bucket; do not hang to dry first. Winnow, and dry further if necessary.

Amaranth may cross with red-rooted pigweed; keep isolated. Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) is a pleasant cooked green; eat it before it pollinates your crop! It is easier to maintain purity if you grow a purple-leaved amaranth.