Big Leaf shungiku


(Glebionis coronaria)

Shungiku (春菊) is the Japanese name for edible chrysanthemum; it is also called tong hao (茼蒿) in Chinese and cải cúc or tần ô in Vietnamese. The English name is garland. In any language, it is a green with a strong, nutty, slightly bitter flavour, which is good raw or blanched in salads, stir fries and soup. It is quite cold-hardy, and the flowers are beautiful.

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SKU: 0045 Category:

Plant after last frost, and again 8-10 weeks before first fall frost. Sow ¼” deep, 2” apart in rows 12-18” apart; eventually thin to 6”. Best grown in cool weather; can be started earlier in spring in a cold frame, and apparently does alright in pots.