Sherck Composite peanut


(Arachis hypogaea)

Peanuts are not happy here. In fact, I thought they were impossible to grow, until we tried this variety. They really need more heat and a longer growing season, and would be happier with a lighter soil; however, these produce some peanuts, and hopefully with continued selection will do better even in Ontario. Not actually a variety, this is a mixture made by John Sherck of Bristol, Indiana; it includes ‘Tennessee Red Valencia,’ ‘Black,’ and ‘Thai’. Each year as we grow it out, the ratios of the different colours will change; we will try to favour those plants which are more productive, while also maintaining at least some of each colour. Note, however, that we send you your peanuts in the shell, so what ratio of colours you get will be a matter of probabilities.  Also, we can’t check inside the pods for seeds, and because our conditions are so marginal we sometimes have unfilled pods.  However, we will personally rattle each pod before shipping it to do our best to only send you good seeds!

25 seeds/packet.

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Peanuts flower above ground, then grow “pegs” down into the ground, so the pods form underground. Plant in early June, 3-4” apart in rows 12-18” apart (2 rows in a 3’ bed). Peanuts need loamy to sandy soil so they can get their pegs underground, and all the heat they can get. Cover in fall to extend their season. Dig plants carefully with a fork as soon as tops are killed by frost; shake off soil and hang plants in bunches to dry and cure for 2-3 weeks in some place where animals and birds cannot get at them. Cure pods for another two months spread on trays in the house. Can then be eaten raw, sprouted, or roasted; can also be eaten fresh in the fall like edamame.