Dead Viking pea


(Lathyrus oleraceus syn. Pisum sativum)

A pretty, 5’ tall pea with pink flowers and tiny, speckled, dark seeds. I acquired this variety from Revival Seeds, who received it from a friend from Oslo, Norway. According to them, it strongly resembles the peas found in Scandinavian burial mounds from 800 AD or so. It is, of course, hard to be sure over such a span of time that this is the same variety, but it is most likely a direct descendant of those hardy specimens, since “gray peas” like this were popular dietary staples all across northern Europe until recently.

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Plant as soon as ground can be worked. Sow 1” deep and 2” apart, in a double row 8” wide. Trellis if necessary with twine or netting; can’t hang on to poles. Pick green shelling peas regularly to increase yields; pick dry peas when vines are drying down and seeds can no longer be dented with a fingernail. For fall planting, plant 6-8 weeks before first frost.